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Apply this behavior to an object to make it automatically rotate to face towards another object.
To add Look At, right-click on an object in the Timeflow view and select:
Add Automation > Look At
Look At has just 1 read-only channel outputting the calculated rotation.
Select an object to view the settings in the Inspector.
Select the desired target from the drop-down menu in the menu bar.
Global Target is the default setting and facilitates in quickly setting up lots of objects to all face the same global object.
Use this mode to explicitly specify an object to look at.
Uses the primary camera tagged with MainCamera.
Uses a fixed position defined in world coordinates.
If the target object is invalid or cannot be found, Look At fails silently and is skipped, having no effect on the object's rotation.
Select from 2 modes for generating rotation
Calculates rotation to face towards the target object. This is the default mode.
Instead of facing towards the object, this mode copies the rotation of the target object (in world coordinates).
Matching rotation is useful for placing objects on the camera plane. When dealing with sprites or planar objects, this mode prevents skewing which can occur with Look At rotations, instead placing objects perpendicular (or parallel) to the target object.
Defines the upward direction of the object. This field expects a normalized vector (adding up to 1), usually one of the cardinal directions (1,0,0 or 0,1,0 etc...) however any value may be entered.
Applies additional rotation to the object. Use orientation to further adjust the rotation angle.
Use the toggle switches to lock the final rotation on specific axes.
Each locked axis is assigned the value of Orientation as the default.
Applies temporal smoothing defined in seconds. The higher the value, the slower the object rotates. Set to zero for no smoothing, applying the look at calculation immediately.
When using Smooth Time, the starting rotation provides additional control for what orientation the object has initially. Use this to adjust the starting placement of the object before Look At takes full control.
Click Set to capture the current object rotation, and Goto to apply the value to the object rotation immediately.
Play the timeline for accurate previews
Temporal smoothing requires continuous forward play for accurate calculation. When jumping in time, such as rewinding or moving the playhead in the Timeflow view, Look At reverts to the initial rotation and may not be accurate until playback resumes.
In situations where an object may use Look At during only parts of an animation, the override features may be used to take back control of an object's rotation using animation channels or any other means in Timeflow.
The override value sets the objects rotation. Use Blend to interpolate between the calculated look at rotation and the override value.
The override and blend values may be animated in Timeflow or controlled via script to transition objects from Look At control to other movement.
Look At overrides the objects rotation. To preform blending or additional operations, it may be helpful to place Look At on a parent object, or to use .
For common features please refer to and .
Uses the currently active .
Look At rotations are calculated in world space coordinates. Whenever Look At is in use, it automatically sets to world space mode.
Rotate to face towards a target object