Commands for precomps and prefabs
Last updated
Commands for precomps and prefabs
Last updated
This adds a new Timeflow instance to the scene. Rather than being a precomp, this will add a Timeflow at the root level creating a separate animation timeline.
This command adds a new child Timeflow instance. If any objects are selected, they are grouped into a new Timeflow precomp. Or if a Timeflow instance or precomp is selected, then a new Timeflow precomp is added as a child.
This converts a selected Timeflow precomp into a regular TimeflowObject. This can be used to simplify the scene by removing Timeflow instances if they are not needed.
Timeflow instances and precomps should only be used when needed since having lots of precomps can potentially bloat scenes and affect performance.
When working with prefabs or precomps, use these commands to open and close the prefab/precomp for editing. When editing a precomp or prefab, the Timeflow view displays it in isolation from the rest of the scene.
For more information see Precomposing
This saves the selected game objects in the scene as a prefab in the project. If a prefab has not yet been created, then a new one is generated in Assets/Prefabs/ with the same name of the selected object.
Use the keyboard shortcut Control + Alt + Shift + S to save the selected prefabs. If multiple objects are selected, each one is saved as a separate prefab.
If the objects selected are already prefabs, then using this command saves and applies all changes (overrides) to the prefab.
After prefabs have been created, they can be renamed and moved as desired and the scene instances will retain their connection.
To break a prefab link and turn it back into a normal game object, right-click on the object and select Prefab/Unpack Completely.
For more information, see Prefabs