Control panel for locking, visibility, enable state, and view filtering
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Control panel for locking, visibility, enable state, and view filtering
Last updated
To the left of the Object Panel are control switches to lock, hide, deactivate, and filter objects and channels in the view. Switches can be toggled on and off for specific items by clicking the icons on the left. In most cases, children and channels are affected by the parent object state.
Button Painting
Switches can be "painted" by clicking and dragging up or down the column to set the state of multiple objects at once.
The icons at the top of the column are used to show and hide items in the display based on their state. This is useful for isolating objects and channels to work on while hiding others temporarily. Each filter switch is explained further in the related sections below.
Whenever a display filter is enabled, a red line is drawn under it to indicate that some items may be hidden from view.
Any objects or channels not actively displayed in the view are automatically deselected to prevent accidental changes to hidden items.
Objects and individual channels may be locked to prevent selection and changes in the view. Toggle lock on and off by clicking the lock icon next to each item.
When an item is locked, its visibility and enable switches are also locked, however the channel display option remains available to show and hide channels as needed.
Locking items in the Timeflow view has no effect on the Hierarchy view nor does it affect the object's behavior. The lock state is only used in the editor for the Timeflow view.
When the filter is active, only unlocked objects are displayed in the object panel. All locked items are hidden from view. Since locked objects and channels cannot be selected nor edited in any case, this is a quick way to hide them from view to focus on the objects that can be edited.
Shift + click on the lock icon to show locked items only. This inverts the filter, hiding all unlocked items from view.
Control + click on the lock icon to toggle the lock on all objects and channels in the view. This is a quick way to lock or unlock all items currently displayed.
Click the eye icon next to an object to toggle its active state (GameObject.activeSelf). When an object is turned off, it is fully deactivated including all behaviors on the object.
When this filter is on, only game objects that are currently active are displayed. All deactivated game objects are hidden from view.
Control + click on the Visibility Filter to set visibility on or off for all displayed game objects. This is a useful tool to bulk activate or deactivate all items displayed.
Channels have a small curve icon that controls whether the animation curve is displayed in the track view and graph view (when applicable).
Although in the same column, this switch is not related to the object visibility and is unaffected by the visibility filter.
Hold the Shift key while clicking the curve icon to force the channel to display its animation curve in the Graph View regardless of whether the channel is selected or not. The icon turns red when this mode is active, as shown above. This is helpful to keep certain channels visible in the graph view for reference while working on others.
This controls the enabled state for Timeflow objects and channels. This can be used to turn on/off specific channels or all behaviors as needed. This does not affect the game object's active state nor visibility, but does determine whether Timeflow behaviors are active.
Disabled channels no longer show keyframes or curves, and disabled objects do not show channels at all. No data is lost nor destroyed by disabling or enabling items.
Control + click the enabled filter icon at the top to toggle the enabled state for all items in the display.
When this filter is on, it only displays enabled objects and channels, hiding anything disabled.
This offers more flexibility to hide or display channels in the Timeflow view without affecting any other aspects of the objects or behaviors. This improves workflow by offering a quick way to isolate items to work on.
When the Display Mode Filter is off, all items are displayed normally and shows the display mode state of each channel and object, as shown below.
This is the default mode and indicates the object display is on.
This mode marks a channel or object to be hidden from view when the Display Mode Filter is active. This is only a display feature and has no relation to the objects visible or enabled state.
Display / Hide All Control + click the icon to toggle the display for all objects and channels. This is helpful to restore all items visible again, or to hide everything at once.
This is a special display mode to cherry pick specific items to isolate in the view.
Hold the Alt key when clicking on the display mode toggle to activate solo mode for objects or channels.
Solo Mode
Hold the Alt key and click on the Display Mode Filter toggle at top to activate solo mode This shows only those objects in view marked as solo, hiding all others.
Another special filter mode hides all channels from view while still displaying objects. This can be useful to simplify the view when working with objects and hierarchies.