Video Encoding
Use ffmpeg to encode renders to video
Last updated
Use ffmpeg to encode renders to video
Last updated
Render To Disk includes the option to automatically convert rendered image sequences to video formats. This requires installing ffmpeg.
Please refer to the links below for more information.
Render To Disk expects the ffmpeg command to be invoked without any additional path qualification. As long as it has been installed and added to the system PATH variable (for Windows), it should work fine.
You may also enter a custom path to the ffmpeg executable in the Timeflow Preferences window. Use this option if you wish to use a specific installation or for some reason are having trouble accessing ffmpeg globally.
Settings are configured using Video Encoding scriptable objects. Timeflow includes a set of presets you may use, found in:
You may also create your own presets by duplicating and modifying any of the above settings, or in the Project view right click to select:
Create > Timeflow > New Video Encoding
Select the settings object in the Project view to edit its details in the Inspector.
Sets the encoder to use. Check the ffmpeg documentation with your install to see available options.
Use a predefined preset name. Check your ffmpeg install for available presets. If invalid, encoding will not be processed.
Compression setting determining the quality, where the higher the value the more compressed it is (resulting in lower quality). The default value is 23. Enter 0 for lossless, or enter a value of -1 to skip this setting.
Additional preset for different media types. Possible values include: film, animation, grain, stillimage, fastdecode, zerolatency.
Sets the audio codec to be used.
Sets the pixel format for the encoding. Check the ffmpeg documentation for options. Note that warnings may occur but may be ignored.
Enter any additional ffmpeg command line settings. Leave this empty to ignore.
Enter the file extension for the output video. Please be sure to begin with a dot (example: .mp4)