Current Time
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The current time is displayed center-left on the toolbar and can be configured to show a variety of time formats.
Timeflow displays the current time twice, with the primary display in larger numbers above, and a smaller secondary display below. The format for each display may be selected by clicking on the initial letter to the left of the time.
You may customize the display as desired and switch it at any time needed. Additional settings such as the frame rate may be changed in the Timeflow inspector, in the Time section.
The Grid and Snap settings are controlled separately and are not affected by the changes made to the current time display.
For further details on time displays, see Display Formats.
The current time is displayed in the timeline by the playhead, which is the orange colored marker in the timeline area.
Note that to set the current time, or scrub time by dragging, you can click anywhere in the top row of the timeline. It is not necessary to click directly on the playhead.
This is an editor-only feature. If enabled, the timeline area scrolls along with the playhead during playback to maintain its relative position in the window. This can be helpful to keep the view focused on the current time.
Playhead following is only applicable when the view has sufficient room to scroll, stopping once the end of the timeline is in view.