Render Pipeline
Use any render pipeline configuration
Timeflow equally supports the Built-in Render Pipeline, Universal Render Pipeline (URP), High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP), and custom render pipelines. There are only a few key differences that affect Timeflow, such as the use of Volume components and variances in material properties, but mostly the pipeline has no effect on Timeflow and any project configuration may be used.
If you are unsure which pipeline to use, URP is suggested for the best performance on a wide variety of devices, while HDRP is recommended for maximum quality best suited for top tier graphics cards. The built-in render pipeline of course is fully supported as well and is often chosen by users for its balanced performance and well-known features.
No Extra Configuration Required
Timeflow automatically detects which pipeline package is installed.
In previous versions of Timeflow it was required to add the Scripting Define Symbols USING_URP or USING_HDRP in the Player Settings, however this is no longer needed and these symbols are no longer used. If they have been added previously to your player settings, they may be removed.
Last updated