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Commands and keyboard shortcuts for game objects
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Commands and keyboard shortcuts for game objects
Last updated
Select from the main menu: Game Object > Timeflow Or right-click on a game object to access the Timeflow submenu.
Use these commands to enable or disable game objects. If the recursive option is used the all objects in the hierarchy are affected, otherwise it applies only to the directly selected objects.
This shows or hides selected objects and their children by toggling the enable state for renderers and colliders. Objects are hidden from view (no longer rendered or detecting collisions) but remain active otherwise. This is helpful to hide objects while keeping script alive.
Use the keyboard shortcut Shift + 1 to activate the selected objects, and Shift + 2 to deactivate them.
This is applied recursively, meaning all objects in the hierarchy are shown/hidden, since renderer enabled states are not inherited and set per object independently.
Adds a simple component with a basic value type useful for adding parameters to an object for animation, linking with game logic, or other scripting uses.
Use this command to strip away all components related to Timeflow, while preserving the object otherwise. This may be used to remove all Timeflow animation on an object or group of objects.
Destroys all child objects of the currently selected game objects.
Applies alphabetical sorting to children of the selected game objects. Use the reverse command to sort in descending alphabetical order.
Sets the hide flags to either show or hide the selected object's children from the hierarchy view.
This is an advanced feature and should be used with caution, since it completely hides objects from the hierarchy.
Please note that when applying these commands, changes may not be reflected in the hierarchy view immediately until its next refresh.
This command creates a new empty game object and makes it the parent of the current selected objects. The new parent transform is named after the first selected object, and matches it's transform so that the child has local coordinates of 0, 0, 0.
Use the keyboard shortcut Control + Alt + G to group selected objects.
To ungroup objects, select the parent objects only. This unparents all direct children from the selected objects. Nothing is deleted in this operation and child hierarchies are maintained.
Use the keyboard shortcut Control + Alt + Shift + G to ungroup selected parent objects.
This unparents objects so that they are on the same hierarchal level as its former parent. This is similar to ungroup, but used on selected children instead of parents.Activate / Deactivate
This sets the game object active state (GameObject.activeSelf) for all selected objects. The recursive options perform the same action, but on all objects in the selected hierarchy.
Use the keyboard shortcut Shift + 1 to activate selected objects, and Shift + 2 to deactivate them.
Since active states are inherited by children, the recursive options are seldom needed. This harkens back to early versions of Unity when active states were not inherited.
Calculates the dimensions of the rendered meshes on the selected game object(s) as it appears in world space, displaying the results in the console window.
Calculates the bounding box of the selected object(s) in world space and writes the dimensions to the console.
Calculates the total number of triangles, vertices, and sub meshes in the selected game object(s), writing the results to the console. Use this to investigate scene objects to identify potential optimizations.
Exports a copy of the meshes on the selected object(s) to a new asset file. The resulting mesh has all transforms and any other manipulations applied to the vertices. This can be used to freeze regular meshes or skinned meshes, for example to create a mesh of a character in a specific pose. The original object(s) are unaffected and the new resulting mesh is applied to a new game object in the scene.
This combines all meshes on the selected object(s) and creates a new asset file. This is automatically assigned to a new object in the scene, leaving the original objects unchanged.
Please note that this tool only performs basic mesh combining with 1 material. It is intended to merge multiple objects of the same type or sharing the same material. For more sophisticated tools, look in the Unity Asset Store.
This saves the selected game objects in the scene as a prefab in the project. If a prefab has not yet been created, then a new one is generated in Assets/Prefabs/ with the same name of the selected object.
Use the keyboard shortcut Control + Alt + Shift + S to save the selected prefabs. If multiple objects are selected, each one is saved as a separate prefab.
If the objects selected are already prefabs, then using this command saves and applies all changes (overrides) to the prefab.
After prefabs have been created, they can be renamed and moved as desired and the scene instances will retain their connection.
To break a prefab link and turn it back into a normal game object, right-click on the object and select Prefab/Unpack Completely.
For more information, see Prefabs
This resets all track channels in the current selection (recursively) to make them auto full length. This clears all track sections on the selected objects, but has no direct effect on animation data.
This resets all track channels in the current scene to make them auto full length. This can be used to re-initialize a scene and start with fresh tracks.
Finds and joins all track sections in the selected object hierarchy which have touching end points. This can be helpful to rejoin tracks that have been split due to time being inserted, deleted, or other edit operations. This command only merges tracks that are next to each other and does not fill any gaps in time.
Joining adjacent tracks reduces keyframes which optimizes the scene.
This sets the local position, rotation, and scale back to default values. This is helpful when setting up and reparenting objects to avoid unwanted hierarchy offsets.
Use the keyboard shortcut Control + Shift + T to reset the transform of all selected objects.
Global Transform Mode
If the Tool Handle mode in Unity is set to Global, then Reset Transform applies using the world coordinates 0,0,0. Otherwise the reset is performed in local coordinates.
This provides a fast way to copy the position, rotation, and scale of one object and apply it to another object or multiple objects.
Use the keyboard shortcut Control + Shift + I (letter i) to copy the transform of 1 selected game object.
Use the keyboard shortcut Control + Shift + O (letter o) to paste the transform on the selected objects. A transform must be copied first to paste.
This is a variation on pasting which applies the copied position and rotation, but resets the local scale to 1,1,1.
This pastes only the copied position, without affecting rotation or scale.