Global settings for Timeflow
Last updated
Global settings for Timeflow
Last updated
Determines how channels are displayed in the Timeflow view: from first-to-last or from top-to-bottom. This is a matter of personal preference and may be changed at any time. Some people may prefer to look at channels as layers on top of one another (reverse order), while others may prefer to view channels listed from first to last (default order).
This setting does not change the processing order, only the order in which channels are listed in the display. Switching the order has no effect on behaviors or animations.
In both examples shown above the channels are still processed in order 1, 2, 3, and 4 last. If any channels map to the same property, then the last channel processed overwrites those before it.
To change the processing order of channels, use drag and drop or the channel list.
This option may be enabled to preview the keyframes or channel curve as a ghosted overlay on the linked channel. This can be helpful to visualize how data is being replicated.
This defines the default behavior when a new channel is created using Auto Keyframing. This is only applicable when a channel for the property doesn't exist yet.
This treats all Color and Rect field types as combined values, while all other multi-attribute values such as vectors are treated as separate value channels.
With this mode selected, all new auto-keyframed channels are created as a single combined value (XYZW).
With this mode, each attribute (X, Y, Z, W) or (R, G, B, A) are keyframes in separate channels.
In addition to this preference, there is also a built-in shortcut to create combined or separate channels. This works by holding one of the following modifiers while dragging on the field label, for a new property that hasn't been animated yet.
Hold the Control key to create separate channels (X, Y, Z) for each value modified.
Hold the Alt key to create a combined channel (XYZ).
Since it is not possible to hold Control or Alt while numerically entering a value into the field, you must use the hidden slider by clicking and dragging on the field label (just to the left of the field). This is used to scrub the value and can be used while holding the modifier keys.
This sets the amount dragging affects selected channel heights when using the mouse to expand or shrink the channel height in the Timeflow view.
To adjust channel heights, hover the mouse over the bottom line of the channel/ When the cursor changes to a an up-down arrow, drag to set the channel height. This affects all selected channels and objects.
To deselect specific objects and channels, hold Control and left click on items to toggle their selection.
This sets how tall rows are (in pixels) in the Timeflow view. The default channel height applies to objects and channels when they are created and when reset.
Right click on a channel and select 'Reset Channel Heights' to apply the default setting to the selected objects and channels.
This defines a list of channel heights to access in the context menu and to cycle through the presets using the Increase or Decrease height commands.
With objects and channels selected, use the keyboard shortcuts [ Left Bracket and ] Right Bracket to decrease or increase the channel heights. This steps through the presets defined.
Use the keyboard shortcut Control + [ Left Bracket to toggle channel height lock for the selected objects and channels. When locked, the channel height cannot be changed, and the channel is drawn with a slightly darker border line.
Channels may be converted between Separate and Combined, though some data loss can occur for any existing animation on the channel(s). For more information see