Published Works
Products, shows, and animations created using Timeflow!
Last updated
Products, shows, and animations created using Timeflow!
Last updated
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If you’re loving Timeflow and want to share cool things you made, success stories, or other content you’ve created with the toolset, we’d love to hear from you! Please tag @axongenesis and use the hashtag #timeflow in your social posts. Or write to us directly at info at
Created entirely in Unity using Timeflow animation and rendering tools. This music video was published to UHD as well as fulldome format for licensing to dome theaters and planetariums worldwide.
An animated music video made with Unity and Timeflow, published to UHD and fulldome format. All animation created with Timeflow in Unity using models created in Cinema4D and Mudbox, with additional assets from the Unity Asset Store for the environment.
A full hour of original music and visuals made with Timeflow in Unity.
A prototype app featuring a live virtual performance and multiplayer audience, all presented in AR on iOS and Android mobile devices. This was made with Unity using Timeflow for all the animation and synchronization to music. Below is a video preview of the animated graphics without AR.
Available for free on Steam as a VR game for Vive with over 25,000 downloads, and also published to video in 360 VR and UHD.
A 25 minute journey through futuristic landscapes. Created entirely with Timeflow in Unity. Published as an immersive VR and fulldome show.
Visual effects elements created in Unity using Timeflow for the Behemoth music video by BOSA. This demonstrates how Unity can be used as a render engine for quickly creating high quality graphics for post production. Final compositing was done in After Effects.
An animated music video created with Timeflow in Unity.
A full hour of original music and visuals performed at an event in Los Angeles.
Timeflow was used to create the graphic elements for project mapping in this music video. Final post production and compositing was done in After Effects.