đ°Object Menu
Menu options for objects
Last updated
Menu options for objects
Last updated
Right-click on an object to invoke the context menu for objects.
The first item at the top of the menu is a toggle switch to activate or deactivate the game object. The name of the primary object selected is displayed, however changes are applied to all objects selected.
This converts the selected object(s) into a precomp, which places the objects inside a new Timeflow child. Precomposing is a way of grouping animations together in their own individual Timeflow instance. Precomps may also be made into prefabs and used across multiple scenes.
This inserts a new Timeflow game object as a child of the currently active Timeflow.
For more information see Precomposing and Prefabs
This sorts objects and channels alphabetically by name. It applies to all selected, or if nothing is selected then it applies to all displayed.
Toggles the display of children on the object. If already hidden, the menu reads Show Children.
This is the same as holding Control when clicking the foldout arrow next to the object name. Objects are not hidden in the hierarchy view.
This sorts the children of the selected game objects by name in ascending order. This can be helpful to organize child lists. Objects can also be manually reordered if needed by dragging and dropping them in the Object Panel.
This adds a new game object as a child of the currently selected object.
Use the keyboard shortcut Alt + Shift + N to add a new child object.
If multiple objects are selected when adding a child, only 1 new game object is created, parented under the primary object selected.
This adds a new game object to the scene, appending to the view. The object is automatically setup with TimeflowObject and is ready to animate.
Use the keyboard shortcut Control + Shift + N to add a new game object.
This creates a new parent game object, making the currently selected objects its children. The parent position and rotation is matched to the selected objects, while the objects retain their local scale.
Use the keyboard shortcut Control + Alt + G to group selected objects. Note that this might conflict with other keyboard mappings of other 3rd party tools, in which case you can decide which you prefer using the Shortcuts Manager in Unity.
This unparents the children of the selected objects. No objects are destroyed in this operation.
Use the keyboard shortcut Control + Alt + Shift + G to ungroup the selected objects.
This moves the selected object in its local hierarchy to either be the first child, or last child.
Resets the tracks on all selected objects back to Auto Full Length and locked.
Use this command to merge track sections whose ends touch or are within time tolerance.
Removes the selected objects from the current display list.
Only affects the object display and doesn't otherwise modify or destroy objects.
This fully removes all Timeflow related components from the selected game objects. This can be used to strip away Timeflow animation, but leave other components intact.
This is also accessible from the Game Object menu.
Select this command to delete the selected game objects.