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These commands are used to switch display modes and between display lists in the Timeflow view, covered in the documentation for Display Lists.
Select this mode to clear the Timeflow view of all objects. This can be useful when no specific objects are being worked on and/or when using Timeflow for playback.
To clear the display and set to 'Nothing' use the keyboard shortcut Control + ` (backquote)
To deselect all objects, use the keyboard shortcut ` (backquote) (that is the tilde ~ key in the upper left part of the keyboard, no modifiers)
This displays all Timeflow objects in the current scene and can be helpful to get a birds eye view of everything animated by Timeflow. If multiple instances are being used, this mode only displays the objects within its own hierarchy.
Use the keyboard shortcut Control + Alt + ` to display everything.
Displaying large numbers of objects at once may affect editor performance. Using one of the other display modes is generally best for workflow to focus on individual or smaller groups of objects at a time.
Displays the currently selected objects in the Timeflow view. Use this to focus on specific objects.
Use the keyboard shortcut Alt + ` (Backquote) to display the selected object.
This appends the selected object to the current displays in the Timeflow view.
Use the keyboard shortcut Alt + Shift + ` (Backquote) to add selected objects to the display.
These modes (previously named Active Selection) automatically display the currently selected objects in the scene and will change with the selection. This is useful for quickly switching between various objects and viewing and editing the animation of each.
Use Selected Object to view the currently selected object and it's children only, or use Selected Group to view the selected object with the parent group(s) it belongs to. Viewing by groups is most useful when working with rigs and hierarchical animation setups, whereas viewing by object is more focused on individual objects.
Switch to Selected Group mode using the shortcut: Control + Alt + Shift + `
Note that only objects previously added to Timeflow are displayed in this mode. Otherwise even if game objects are selected, the view shows Nothing Selected when no TimeflowObject components are found in the selection. Each object therefor must be initially added to the Timeflow view to perform the necessary one-time setup. Thereafter, selecting any Timeflow object in the scene immediately displays in the view when using Active Selection.
Only add objects to Timeflow that you intend to animate. Avoid adding lots of objects at once, as this can slow down the editor and potentially cause performance issues.
This toggles the solo mode for the currently selected Timeflow objects. If a solo selection is already active, those object states are cleared and the new selection is added. Or if the object selected is already soloed, then this command toggles solo off.
Use the keyboard shortcut Alt + S to toggle solo mode for the selected game objects.
The solo command can also be used to add new game objects to the Timeflow view.
Adds the currently selected objects into solo mode, keeping any existing objects already soloed.
Use the keyboard shortcut Alt + Shift + S to toggle solo append.
This applies display filtering in the view to hide/show objects without actually removing them from the view. It creates a temporary hidden state which can be toggled on and off as needed. This mode is useful when working with display lists and groups where you don't want to or cannot fully remove objects from the view due to their hierarchical relationships.
Use the keyboard shortcut Shift + ` to hide/unhide the selected objects.
If no objects are selected when this command is applied, the display filter is turned off and all hidden objects are restored to the view. By hidden, this only refers to objects with the hidden display toggle mode. Objects not currently in the Timeflow view are unaffected and not displayed.
Use these commands to cycle through saved display lists in the currently active Timeflow view.
Use the keyboard shortcuts Alt + [ and Alt + ] to go to the prev/next display list.
For more information see Display Lists