Spine Animation
An optional package offering Timeflow integration with Spine animation system
A Spine license is required to integrate the Spine Runtimes into your applications. https://github.com/EsotericSoftware/spine-runtimes/tree/4.2/spine-unity#licensing
This integration is included with Timeflow and can be imported from the Samples. See Installation below.
Spine is an animation tool that focuses specifically on 2D animation for games. Spine aims to have an efficient, streamlined workflow, both for creating animations using the editor and for making use of those animations in games using the Spine Runtimes. https://en.esotericsoftware.com/spine-in-depth
Timeflow Integration
Using this integration allows you to:
Create sequences of Spine animations in the Timeflow timeline.
Use mix durations to blend animations.
Use multiple tracks (channels) to layer animations.
Use channel links to replicate animation tracks with optional time offset.
Animate the positions of specific bones.
Use Timeflow features such as looping and an array of behaviors to drive animations and effects.
Using Timeflow to animate Spine objects is best for creating cutscenes and animation sequences. If your goal is to create dynamic game-like animations based on triggers, you can do that too using the Spine-Unity package in parallel or separately from Timeflow.
Download and install the Spine-Unity package and examples. https://github.com/EsotericSoftware/spine-runtimes/tree/4.2/spine-unity
Import the Spine package from the Package Manager in Timeflow Samples.
It is recommended that you familiarize yourself with Spine-Unity before attempting to use it with Timeflow. Please refer to the user guide: https://esotericsoftware.com/spine-unity
Note that in previous versions the scripting define symbol USING_SPINE was required, however is no longer necessary and may be removed.
Example Scenes
Once installed, a good starting point is to go through each of the included sample scenes for an overview of the capabilities and sample animations. Assets/AxonGenesis/Timeflow/AddOns/Spine/Examples/
Please make sure to install the Spine Examples which provide the assets used in the Timeflow example scenes.
Spine animations can be animated in Timeflow using multiple tracks to sequence and layer animations. When Spine objects (with a SkeletonAnimation or SkeletonGraphic component) are added to Timeflow, it is automatically detected and set up with a SpineAnimator.
Spine Tracks
A Spine Track 0 channel is created by default. Additional tracks can be added by right clicking and selecting Add Spine Track.
Keyframes can then be set on each Spine track to create layered animation sequences.
Spine Keyframes
Each keyframe specifies an animation to play, selected from one of the existing animations in the Spine asset.
This specifies a time to blend the animation in over the previous state. A value of 0 turns mix off an means the animation starts playing immediately.
When working with mixed animations, rewind and let Timeflow play through uninterrupted to see an accurate preview of the transition. Blending is handled by Spine. Adjust the Mix value and the timing of the keyframes to get the desired result.
Enable this option for animations that loop, such as walk cycles. When this is enabled, it repeats the animation indefinitely until the next keyframe.
Flip X/Y
This effectively inverts the scale of the X/Y axes. Timeflow implements this using the actual object scale so as not to compete with the Initial Flip settings.
All Tracks
Enabling this checkbox means that this animation state is played on all tracks at the same time. This is most often used with an Empty animation state to clear all track animations.
Copy-Paste Keyframes
Timeflow supports copying and pasting keyframes from one track to another. To use copy paste:
Select the keyframes you wish to copy and press Control + C
Click on the channel you wish to paste to Control + V
Channel Links
Spine track channels can also be linked together. Linked channels play the same animations as the source channel with an optional time offset.
Channel links can either be set to Overwrite, replacing the target channel animation, or to Add mode to combine animations. When set to Add, you can add more keyframes over the linked data.
Time Offset
Use the time offset feature to shift linked animations forward or backward in time.
Deleting Tracks
If you wish to remove a Spine Track, simple select it and press the Delete key.
Uninstalling Spine
If you wish to remove Spine from your project...
Delete the asset directories that were installed:
Assets/Spine Examples/
And then remove the USING_SPINE scripting define symbol from the Player Settings.
Note that during uninstallation it is normal to see errors in the console until all of the above steps are complete.
Timeflow has no affiliation with Esoteric Software and all respective rights are reserved by Esoteric SoftwareŽ Š 2013-2024 Esoteric Software LLC
Last updated