Getting Started
Covering the basics and important stuff
Last updated
Covering the basics and important stuff
Last updated
Before using Timeflow in production, please review this guide to get a decent understanding of how Timeflow works and how to best utilize it in your projects.
This documentation is written as both a user guide and feature reference. It is suggested to begin here and to go through each proceeding section for a high level understanding of the most important features.
The Timeflow Editor and Timeflow View sections are also essential to get the most out of the toolset. Additional documentation covering component behaviors and more advanced topics can be found under Reference.
There are also brief tutorial videos covering just about all topics of Timeflow. Click the video link below for the complete playlist, or jump to the section that you're interested in.
Please note that some features may have changed somewhat since these videos were originally created.
After the main Timeflow package has been imported, samples may be installed from the Package Manager by going to In Project packages and locating Timeflow Animation System Samples. Please see the Installation guide for complete instructions.
If anything in this documentation is unclear or you need any assistance using Timeflow, please get in touch using one of the methods listed in Support