Additional tools and operations
Last updated
Additional tools and operations
Last updated
Use the drop-down menu to select one of the following tools.
Create a new group or Timeflow instance.
A group is a simplified setup to manage the timing of a collection of objects as one. This can be used to offset, sequence, and queue entire sections of a scene. On the other hand, 'Add Timeflow' creates a complete new instance (as a child of the main Timeflow) with its own view, timing, display lists, and markers.
Only add groups or additional Timeflow instances if there is a good reason to. In most cases these features are not needed but can be helpful to manage complex scenes or to create interactive contexts with different layers of Timeflow.
Use this feature to generate titles or subtitles for the scene based on existing Markers. Titles are text objects that can be used to block out sections of time with a name or brief description, either as a placeholder for artist reference or as final subtitles for narration or other purposes.
Title objects are created using TextMeshPro, using default settings unless a prefab is provided. The object tracks are automatically sequenced in Timeflow to match the markers and set to Activate mode to automatically show and hide the title game objects.
Upon clicking Generate Titles, the new title objects are selected and displayed in the Timeflow view. It is recommended to save this view for later recall by clicking the small disk icon in the object panel menu bar. See Display Lists for more information.
When this mode is enabled, each title is assigned a display color starting from red and progressing through the color spectrum, divided across the duration of time. This does not affect the onscreen text color, but rather the track and object color as displayed in Timeflow. This can be helpful to give each section a unique color following a natural sequence. Alternatively, when this checkbox is off, each title object is assigned the same color as the marker region it falls within (if any).
Select one of the following modes to handle how existing titles are handled when generating.
This destroys all children of the current titles container to rebuild the titles from scratch.
Only choose this mode if you do not wish to keep existing titles.
This mode creates new objects for any markers that don't yet have a title object. Any titles that already exist are updated with the current marker information. This mode is helpful to update timing changes made to markers and to create titles for any new markers added since the last generation, without overwriting those previously created.
Note that the name of the title object must match the marker name. If either are renamed, then it no longer relates the two when regenerating.
This mode ignores existing titles and only creates new ones if none exist (based on the marker name). This is is helpful to create titles for new markers that have been added without affecting existing titles in any way.
Use this to scale the timing of keyframes, tracks, markers, and events throughout the entire Timeflow hierarchy. Time is scaled by multiplying existing time values by the factor specified, centered on time 0. So if a value of 2 is entered, that would double the duration of all keyframes and tracks, whereas a value of 0.5 would scale everything by half.
This only affects Timeflow objects and behaviors within the hierarchy of the current Timeflow instance this is applied to. It also traverses subgroups and nested Timeflow instances. This doesn't affect time scale (Time.timeScale), animation clips, nor animator components.
Backup your scene first! This is an experimental feature and may produce undesired results. Save a copy of your scene and double-check all animations after scaling time. Since not all behaviors implement this feature, it may be necessary to manually fix any issues that arise.
Scale Time of Selection Only To selectively scale time for specific keyframes, tracks, and events, use the keyframe Alignment Tools or Keyframe Tools in the Timeflow view.
This is a useful cleanup operation to delete keyframes and track that have ended up outside of the Timeflow duration. This can occur when keyframes have been shifted in time, copy-pasted, or if the total duration has been shortened.
There's no harm in having keyframes outside of the timeline range, so this operation is optional to clean up extraneous data.
Any animation data that ends up outside of the current time range can be found by using Fit Time to Displayed Objects.