This feature may be used to save backups of Timeflow shortcuts, or to manage different settings for different workflows or projects.
Buttons for managing shortcuts can be found in the Timeflow Preferences
Export Shortcuts
To export your current shortcuts for Timeflow, select from the main menu:
Tools/Timeflow/Editor/Export Shortcuts
This generates a text file in CSV format containing an alphabetical listing of all mapped and unmapped shortcuts for Timeflow.
Please note that making changes directly to the exported file is discouraged and may result in the inability to import it.
Import Shortcuts
Previously exported settings to CSV can be reimported to replace the current shortcuts for Timeflow. To import a shortcuts file, form the main menu select:
Tools/Timeflow/Editor/Import Shortcuts
This will prompt you to locate and open the TimeflowShortcuts.csv file. Check the Console window for results of the import. Any settings that fail to import will appear as a warning.
Once the shortcuts have been imported, make sure to check the Shortcuts Manager (Edit/Shortcuts...) to check for any conflicts that may need resolution.
Reset Shortcuts to Default
Use this command if you wish to revert all Timeflow shortcuts to their default original settings. This clears any custom overrides pertaining to Timeflow, but does not alter any other keyboard shortcuts.
Example TimeflowShortcuts.csv
The following is an example CSV export.
// Timeflow Shortcuts v1.7.4
Timeflow/Add Behavior: Align Children,
Timeflow/Add Behavior: Animpation Clips,
Timeflow/Add Behavior: Audio Reactive,
Timeflow/Add Behavior: Audio Sample,
Timeflow/Add Behavior: Audio Spectrum,
Timeflow/Add Behavior: Audio Track,
Timeflow/Add Behavior: Auto Bank,
Timeflow/Add Behavior: Auto Rotate,
Timeflow/Add Behavior: Blend,
Timeflow/Add Behavior: Distance,
Timeflow/Add Behavior: Flyby,[Alt][Shift]F
Timeflow/Add Behavior: Follow,
Timeflow/Add Behavior: Graph,
Timeflow/Add Behavior: Keyframer,
Timeflow/Add Behavior: Look At Target,
Timeflow/Add Behavior: Look At,
Timeflow/Add Behavior: Midi Cloner,
Timeflow/Add Behavior: Midi File,
Timeflow/Add Behavior: Midi Receiver,
Timeflow/Add Behavior: Midi Tween,
Timeflow/Add Behavior: Motion Path,[Alt][Shift]M
Timeflow/Add Behavior: Noise,
Timeflow/Add Behavior: Particle System Update,
Timeflow/Add Behavior: Place On Path,
Timeflow/Add Behavior: Place On Surface,
Timeflow/Add Behavior: Property Link,
Timeflow/Add Behavior: Realtime Fulldome Camera,
Timeflow/Add Behavior: Render Queue,
Timeflow/Add Behavior: Render to Disk,
Timeflow/Add Behavior: Timeflow Controller,
Timeflow/Add Behavior: Trail Renderer Update,
Timeflow/Add Behavior: Tween,[Alt][Shift]T
Timeflow/Add Behavior: Video Player Update,
Timeflow/Add Field: Bool,
Timeflow/Add Field: Color,
Timeflow/Add Field: Component,
Timeflow/Add Field: Float,
Timeflow/Add Field: GameObject,
Timeflow/Add Field: Rect,
Timeflow/Add Field: String,
Timeflow/Add Field: Vector2,
Timeflow/Add Field: Vector3,
Timeflow/Add Field: Vector4,
Timeflow/Add New Precomp,
Timeflow/Add New Timeflow,
Timeflow/Auto Keyframing,[Alt]K
Timeflow/Decrease Selected Channel Heights,LeftBracket
Timeflow/Display: Active Selection (Grouped),[Alt][Shift][Action]BackQuote
Timeflow/Display: Active Selection (Object),
Timeflow/Display: Add Selected to View,[Alt][Shift]BackQuote
Timeflow/Display: Everything,[Alt][Action]BackQuote
Timeflow/Display: Next,[Alt]RightBracket
Timeflow/Display: Nothing,[Action]BackQuote
Timeflow/Display: Previous,[Alt]LeftBracket
Timeflow/Display: Selected Only,[Alt]BackQuote
Timeflow/Display: Solo Selected (Append),[Alt][Shift]S
Timeflow/Display: Solo Selected,[Alt]S
Timeflow/Display: Toggle Hidden,[Shift]BackQuote
Timeflow/Editor: Backup Timeflow Scripts,
Timeflow/Editor: Debug Mark Line in Console,[Shift][Action]M
Timeflow/Editor: Disable Debug For All Objects,[Alt][Shift][Action]B
Timeflow/Editor: Export Shortcuts (CSV),
Timeflow/Editor: Import Shortcuts (CSV),
Timeflow/Editor: List Dependencies,
Timeflow/Editor: Open Shortcuts Manager,
Timeflow/Editor: Reset Shortcuts to Default,
Timeflow/Editor: Save Scene Backup,[Alt][Control]S
Timeflow/Game Object: Activate Recursively,
Timeflow/Game Object: Activate,[Shift]Alpha1
Timeflow/Game Object: Combine Meshes,
Timeflow/Game Object: Deactivate Recursively,
Timeflow/Game Object: Deactivate,[Shift]Alpha2
Timeflow/Game Object: Delete Children,
Timeflow/Game Object: Destroy All Timeflow Behaviors (Selected Objects),
Timeflow/Game Object: Disable Renderers Recursively,[Alt][Shift]Alpha2
Timeflow/Game Object: Enable Renderers Recursively,[Alt][Shift]Alpha1
Timeflow/Game Object: Enter Prefab-Precomp Edit Mode,[Action]KeypadEnter
Timeflow/Game Object: Exit Prefab-Precomp Edit Mode,[Action]KeypadMinus
Timeflow/Game Object: Flatten,
Timeflow/Game Object: Freeze Mesh,
Timeflow/Game Object: Get Bounding Box,
Timeflow/Game Object: Get Polycount,
Timeflow/Game Object: Get Renderer Size,
Timeflow/Game Object: Group,[Action]G
Timeflow/Game Object: Hide Children in Hierarchy,
Timeflow/Game Object: Join Adjacent Tracks (Selected Objects),
Timeflow/Game Object: Reset All Tracks In Scene,
Timeflow/Game Object: Reset Tracks (Selected Objects),
Timeflow/Game Object: Save Selected Prefabs,[Alt][Shift][Action]S
Timeflow/Game Object: Select Ancestors,[Alt][Shift][Action]Plus
Timeflow/Game Object: Select Channels,
Timeflow/Game Object: Select Children,[Shift][Action]Minus
Timeflow/Game Object: Select Descendants,[Alt][Shift][Action]Minus
Timeflow/Game Object: Select Main Camera,[Alt]M
Timeflow/Game Object: Select Parents,[Shift][Action]Plus
Timeflow/Game Object: Select Renderers Recursive,
Timeflow/Game Object: Show Children in Hierarchy,
Timeflow/Game Object: Sort Children Reverse,
Timeflow/Game Object: Sort Children,
Timeflow/Game Object: Ungroup,[Shift][Action]U
Timeflow/Game Object: Unparent,
Timeflow/Go to End,End
Timeflow/Go to Next Frame,PageDown
Timeflow/Go to Next Keyframe,[Shift]PageDown
Timeflow/Go to Next Marker,[Alt]PageDown
Timeflow/Go to Next Snap Time,[Action]PageDown
Timeflow/Go to Previous Frame,PageUp
Timeflow/Go to Previous Keyframe,[Shift]PageUp
Timeflow/Go to Previous Marker,[Alt]PageUp
Timeflow/Go to Previous Snap Time,[Action]PageUp
Timeflow/Go to Start,Home
Timeflow/Increase Selected Channel Heights,RightBracket
Timeflow/Jump to Full Duration,[Alt]Alpha0
Timeflow/Jump to Marker 1,[Alt]Alpha1
Timeflow/Jump to Marker 2,[Alt]Alpha2
Timeflow/Jump to Marker 3,[Alt]Alpha3
Timeflow/Jump to Marker 4,[Alt]Alpha4
Timeflow/Jump to Marker 5,[Alt]Alpha5
Timeflow/Jump to Marker 6,[Alt]Alpha6
Timeflow/Jump to Marker 7,[Alt]Alpha7
Timeflow/Jump to Marker 8,[Alt]Alpha8
Timeflow/Jump to Marker 9,[Alt]Alpha9
Timeflow/Open Documentation,
Timeflow/Open Timeflow Window,[Alt][Shift][Action]T
Timeflow/Playback: Toggle Continuous Play,[Alt]Space
Timeflow/Playback: Toggle Play,Space
Timeflow/Quick Select Object 1,[Shift]F1
Timeflow/Quick Select Object 10,[Shift]F10
Timeflow/Quick Select Object 11,[Shift]F11
Timeflow/Quick Select Object 12,[Shift]F12
Timeflow/Quick Select Object 2,[Shift]F2
Timeflow/Quick Select Object 3,[Shift]F3
Timeflow/Quick Select Object 4,[Shift]F4
Timeflow/Quick Select Object 5,[Shift]F5
Timeflow/Quick Select Object 6,[Shift]F6
Timeflow/Quick Select Object 7,[Shift]F7
Timeflow/Quick Select Object 8,[Shift]F8
Timeflow/Quick Select Object 9,[Shift]F9
Timeflow/Quick Select Object Assign 1,[Shift][Action]F1
Timeflow/Quick Select Object Assign 10,[Shift][Action]F10
Timeflow/Quick Select Object Assign 11,[Shift][Action]F11
Timeflow/Quick Select Object Assign 12,[Shift][Action]F12
Timeflow/Quick Select Object Assign 2,[Shift][Action]F2
Timeflow/Quick Select Object Assign 3,[Shift][Action]F3
Timeflow/Quick Select Object Assign 4,[Shift][Action]F4
Timeflow/Quick Select Object Assign 5,[Shift][Action]F5
Timeflow/Quick Select Object Assign 6,[Shift][Action]F6
Timeflow/Quick Select Object Assign 7,[Shift][Action]F7
Timeflow/Quick Select Object Assign 8,[Shift][Action]F8
Timeflow/Quick Select Object Assign 9,[Shift][Action]F9
Timeflow/Toggle Lock Selected Channel Heights,[Action]RightBracket
Timeflow/Track Colors/Assign Auto Track Colors,[Alt]T
Timeflow/Track Colors/Assign Random Track Colors,[Alt]D
Timeflow/Track Colors/Assign Sequential Track Colors,[Alt]E
Timeflow/Track Colors/Open Color Palette,[Alt]C
Timeflow/Transform: Copy,[Shift][Action]I
Timeflow/Transform: Paste Position Only,[Alt][Shift][Action]O
Timeflow/Transform: Paste Reset Scale,
Timeflow/Transform: Paste,[Shift][Action]O
Timeflow/Transform: Reset,[Shift][Action]T
Timeflow/View: Add Keyframe,K
Timeflow/View: Add Marker at Current Time,[Action]M
Timeflow/View: Copy Keyframes,[Action]C
Timeflow/View: Cut Keyframes,[Action]X
Timeflow/View: Decrease Grid (Alternate),Keypad1
Timeflow/View: Decrease Grid,Alpha1
Timeflow/View: Deselect All,BackQuote
Timeflow/View: Duplicate Selected,[Action]D
Timeflow/View: Fit Graph (Auto),[Control]F
Timeflow/View: Fit Time Only,[Shift]F
Timeflow/View: Fit,F
Timeflow/View: Go to End of Selection,O
Timeflow/View: Go to Start of Selection,I
Timeflow/View: Increase Grid (Alternate),Keypad2
Timeflow/View: Increase Grid,Alpha2
Timeflow/View: Join Selected Tracks,[Action]J
Timeflow/View: Keys-Only Tool,[Shift]C
Timeflow/View: Lock Graph,[Alt]L
Timeflow/View: Paste Keyframe Tangents Only,[Alt][Shift][Action]V
Timeflow/View: Paste Keyframes (At Current Time),[Action]V
Timeflow/View: Paste Keyframes (Preserve Time),[Shift][Action]V
Timeflow/View: Rename Selected Object or Channel,[Action]R
Timeflow/View: Scroll Zoom In (Alternate),KeypadPlus
Timeflow/View: Scroll Zoom In,Equals
Timeflow/View: Scroll Zoom Out (Alternate),KeypadMinus
Timeflow/View: Scroll Zoom Out,Minus
Timeflow/View: Scroll Zoom Toggle,Semicolon
Timeflow/View: Select All,[Action]A
Timeflow/View: Selection Toggle Enabled (Alternate),Keypad0
Timeflow/View: Selection Toggle Enabled,Alpha0
Timeflow/View: Selection Toggle Locked (Alternate),[Action]Keypad0
Timeflow/View: Selection Toggle Locked,[Action]Alpha0
Timeflow/View: Set End of Selected Tracks,[Alt]O
Timeflow/View: Set Selected Tracks to Work Area,[Alt][Shift][Action]J
Timeflow/View: Set Start of Selected Tracks,[Alt]I
Timeflow/View: Set Work Area End (Keep Duration),[Shift]N
Timeflow/View: Set Work Area End,N
Timeflow/View: Set Work Area Start (Keep Duration),[Shift]B
Timeflow/View: Set Work Area Start,B
Timeflow/View: Set Work Area to Selected,[Shift]W
Timeflow/View: Show Markers,M
Timeflow/View: Snap Time,H
Timeflow/View: Snap Times of Selected Keyframes (Quantize),[Action]U
Timeflow/View: Snap Value,J
Timeflow/View: Snap Values of Selected Keyframes (Quantize),[Shift][Action]U
Timeflow/View: Split Selected Tracks at Current Time,[Alt]J
Timeflow/View: Split Selected Tracks by Work Area,[Alt][Action]J
Timeflow/View: Tangents Tool,C
Timeflow/View: Toggle Graph-Track Mode,G
Timeflow/View: Toggle Grid,R
Timeflow/View: Toggle Keyframe Bounding Box,T
Timeflow/View: Toggle Local Time Scope,S
Timeflow/View: Toggle Loop Selected,[Action]L
Timeflow/View: Toggle Loop,L
Timeflow/View: Toggle Work Area,W
Key Binding Conflicts in Unity 2021
There's a bug in Unity 2021's shortcut system that calls into conflict commands pertaining to different contexts. Therefore, it is a known issue that many of the Timeflow shortcuts will raise conflict warnings.
When these occur, you may either select which command to perform or rebind it.
If you are able to update to Unity 2022 or later, the problem is fixed and the same command can be used in separate windows without conflicts.