Keyframes Menu
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Right-click anywhere in the timeline view to show options for selected keyframes.
The keyframe operations work the same in both the Track View and Graph View.
This deletes the keyframes in all of the selected channels. If no channels are selected, then only the keyframes on the channel clicked or currently displayed graphs are removed.
Use standard copy and paste functions with keyframes and other items in Timeflow. Keyframes can be pasted onto the same channel at a different time, or from one channel to another. This provides a way to duplicate or move animation between channels and objects.
Use the keyboard shortcut Control + C to copy selected keyframes and/or track sections. This also includes keyframe tangents.
Use the keyboard shortcut Control + V to paste copied keyframes and/or track sections. This pastes the keyframes at the current time.
Paste (keep time)
Use the keyboard shortcut Control + Shift + V to paste keyframes while preserving their original time. This keeps the world time of keyframes, accounting for any time offsets.
If this error is encountered, double-check the selected channels and retry. Alternatively, keyframes may be copied-pasted for each channel separately.
When using Bezier curves, the tangents of keyframes may be copy-pasted onto other keyframes. This applies to all selected keyframes, looping through the keyframes copied. If only 1 keyframe was copied, then all selected keyframes get the same set of tangents.
See Bezier interpolation for more details.
Deletes the selected keyframes and/or tracks.
Use the keyboard shortcut Delete or Backspace to delete selected items. Note that the Track View must have keyboard focus, or other items such as channels or objects may be deleted instead.
This applies grid snapping to all selected items. This can be useful for musical timing or creating stop motion. When quantization is applied, the selected items are snapped to the nearest grid line.
Use the keyboard shortcut Control + U to quantize the time of selected keyframes and tracks.
This snaps all keyframe values to the grid. Each selected keyframe value is rounded to the nearest grid increment. It has no affect on events. When applied to tracks, this snaps the duration of each track section to the grid units in time.
Use the keyboard shortcut Shift + Control + U to quantize the values of all selected keyframes. Also use this with tracks to snap their duration to the time grid.
This reverses the order in time of the selected keyframes, tracks, and events. This calculates time relative to the start and end time of the selection.
This inverts the selected keyframe values, relative to the value range of the selection. This only applies to keyframe values and has no effect on tracks or events
Enables looping on the selected channels and sets the range to the currently selected keyframes. Two or more selected keyframes are required to use the command.
Enables looping for the selected channels and sets the loop range to the first and last keyframes in each channel.
Disables looping on the selected channels.
For further documentation on channel looping features, please see the Graph View documentation.
This submenu applies interpolation modes to the selected keyframes, depending on the channel type and interpolation mode used on the channel.
If the keyframes selected are not on a channel with Bezier interpolation, then only the Linear and Hold keyframe modes are listed in this menu. Please see Interpolation Modes for more details.
The tangents for each keyframe may be shown or hidden to prevent modification. This does not disable the tangents, but simply stops showing them in the graph view. This can be helpful when you want to avoid editing tangents on all or specific keyframes.
This enables or disables selected keyframes. Disabled keyframes are greyed out and ignored as if they don't exist, but may be re-enabled any point. This is helpful when trying out variations in animations or to temporarily disable areas without having to delete keyframes.
Disabled keyframes may still be selected and edited, however some editing features such as Bezier handles are off for disabled keyframes. Full editing capability is easily restored by re-enabling the keyframes.
Use the keyboard shortcut 0 (zero) to toggle the enabled state for selected keyframes and track sections.
It is possible to copy large sets of keyframes and tracks across multiple channels and paste them to other channels. This works as long as the number of selected channels matches those that were copied from. If there is any mismatch between the number of channels copied and the selected channels pasted to, an error message is displayed. This still pastes data to the channels that do match, so be sure to undo if it is not the desired result.