Work Area Menu
Additional tools using the Work Area
Last updated
Additional tools using the Work Area
Last updated
Right-click anywhere in the timeline area to display the Work Area menu
When working with tracks, there are additional commands under the Tracks menu related to using the Work Area.
Toggle to enable/disable the work area. This is the same as toggling the toolbar button.
Use the shortcut key W to show and hide the work area.
Toggles the work area lock. A checkmark indicates when the work area is locked.
Enables the work area and sets the time range to match the current selection in the Track View or Graph View.
Use the shortcut key Shift + W to show the work area and fit it to the selection.
This option is only available when a marker is selected. It sets the time range starting with the selected marker up to the next marker or the end of the timeline.
Sets the work area to the currently visible time range based on the zoom and scroll of the timeline view.
Deletes all tracks, keyframes, events, and other items on the timeline that are inside or overlapping the current work area.
This deletes the tracks or keyframes in the current work area. This is applied to all channels currently displayed.
Specific channels can be locked using the switches to prevent changes.
These commands apply to all visible unlocked objects and channels in the current Timeflow view. Anything locked or hidden using the switches and display filter is unaffected.
To affect all objects and channels regardless of whether they are visible or locked, use the global operations described below.
Adds an empty region of time in the Work Area. It splits any tracks intersecting the work area and then shifts all tracks, keyframes, and events later in time leaving a new empty region.
This replicates the region of time defined by the the Work Area. This makes an exact copy of all the tracks, keyframes, and other timeline items within the range. The original keyframes in the work area are unchanged.
Use this to delete all the tracks and keyframes within the work area. This works like a ripple edit, moving everything after the work area to the left to fill in the removed time. To delete keyframes and tracks in the time range without editing the rest of the animation, use Clear All.
These menu options work similarly to the ones described above, however apply to every Timeflow item in the scene, including any other Timeflow instances. This can save a lot time whenever you need to add or remove time from the timeline while preserving existing animations.
Use global time editing with caution and be sure to backup your scene first.
Using global operations affects all objects in Timeflow including locked and hidden items! These features are for making edits to the entire scene. For more precise control use the non-global operations on selected objects.
The following options are available for discovering animated channels within the work area.
Note that the work area must be enabled for these options to be available.
This finds all TimeflowObjects in the scene and displays them in the view if their track