Additional configuration options for Timeflow
Last updated
Additional configuration options for Timeflow
Last updated
This shows the containing Timeflow of the current object or instance if applicable. This reference is assigned automatically based on its placement in the hierarchy. A parent is only displayed when a Timeflow instance is nested within another, otherwise it shows None.
The Parent reference is assigned automatically and cannot be changed directly except by moving the game object in the hierarchy.
Timeflow may be assigned a display color to differentiate it from other instances in the scene. This color is also displayed as a thin horizontal line above the timeline in the Timeflow view.
Enable this option to synchronize Unity Timeline with Timeflow. This is covered further in the Timeline Integration documentation. Only enable this feature if using Unity Timeline.
Enabled this update shader values with the current time to drive effects and material animations. This provides the current time in shaders (such as when using ShaderGraph) to synchronize with Timeflow.
The parameter name defaults to "_TimeflowTime" but can be renamed as needed. This can be used with Shader Graph by creating a property with the same name (_TimeflowTime).
Be sure to uncheck the Exposed checkbox on the property value so that it is hidden in the inspector, otherwise it will not work.
At runtime this value is set with the following call each frame:
Similar to setting the time, this sets the current frame number, based on the FPS in the Timeflow settings. This feature is rarely used and is only relevant for frame-based shaders, such as creating stop motion or flipbook style effects.