Alignment Tools
Bulk editing operations for keyframes and tracks
Last updated
Bulk editing operations for keyframes and tracks
Last updated
The alignment tools can be found at the bottom of the Timeflow view in either the Track or Graph view and used to align selected keyframes and tracks in time.
The alignment tools and bounding box may toggled on/off by pressing the button in the lower toolbar, or by using the keyboard shortcut T.
This aligns the selected keyframes to the time of the first item in the selection, or to the current time if the Control key is held when clicking.
When applied, the relative offsets between keyframes is maintained on each cannel so that each row slides to the left until the first elements of each are aligned.
Hold the Control key when clicking each alignment tool button to anchor alignment at the current time.
Aligns the selected items to the furthest right element in the selection, or the current time if the Control key is held.
Shifts each row so that its start and end time within the items selected is aligned to the center of the selection, or to the current time if the Control key is held.
Evenly distributes the timing between the selected keyframes. The distribution is applied to each channel, maintaining the start and end items of the selection in place.
Note that distribute is the only alignment tool which modifies the relative offset between the selected keyframes. Holding the Control key has no effect with this tool.
When any tracks are selected, hold the Shift key to highlight related keyframes in green and include them in the alignment operation. This works the same as if the keyframes were selected and is a helpful way to work with tracks and all the keyframes on any number of channels on the object or within its hierarchy.
Shift + double click on track sections to add its related keyframes to the current selection.
Note that related keyframes only applies to channels displayed in the Timeflow view. Any hidden channels or subhierarchies not currently displayed in the view are unaffected.
The value alignment tools are only displayed in the Graph view and apply alignment to the selected keyframe values.
Aligns the selected keyframes to the minimum value within the selection.
Aligns the selected keyframes to the maximum value within the selection.
Aligns the selected keyframes to the average value within the selection.
Aligns the selected keyframes from lowest to highest value, ordered by time.
To perform more precise alignments, it may be helpful to first manually set the values/times of the min-max keyframes to be modified to define the desired range. Or another way to make precise adjustments to keyframe times and values is to use the Keyframe Tools.